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Start Today Online

​Studying slowly, patiently, with depth and integrity is far preferable to fast and shallow learning. Some courses are continued congruently or many times a year with the intent to build personal relationship with the practice while in community. In other courses, which are offered only once or twice per year, we take a deep dive and sometimes integrate 1:1 sessions to continue personal integration. Recordings of all live-streamed classes are made available.

Yoga teacher training June 1-July10, each day _baltimoreyogavillage with some field trips.

Yoga, Asana & Slow Movements

A four week course, gently-paced and grounded in the belief that body and breath are powerful vehicles of transformation available to everyone. 


Starts again: February 17th, 

Online Mondays

3:15 pm EDT

 1:15 pm PST or

Tuesdays 9:15 am (New Zealand)

$52 USD for 4 weeks

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Let's Get Cookin'!

Support in the kitchen is here with this fun way of preparing a weekly meal together or even food for a few days. We will cook and learn about ingredients from an Ayurvedic perspective as we go. Sundays 4 - 5 pm EST.


Prānāyāma & Energetics

Pranayama translates to “vital life expansion”. In this five week online course, you will learn classical pranayama techniques, several meditation techniques. For the practice portions, you are welcome to sit  on the floor or in a chair. 

Tuesdays  5:30 pm - 6:30 EDT. Starting February 12th,  3 weeks each Tuesday. No Set Price. Pay As You Can. Suggested $50 - $100 for the full course. 


Ayurvedic Home Cleanse

Spring cleanse forthcoming in 2025.


New! Wednesdays Gentle Yoga in the New Year

Nourish through classical yoga as well as gentle movement techniques aimed to help relieve physical stress, and clarify and focus the mind. Can't make it on New Years Day or to any of the classes? Recordings are offered for anyone who misses. WEDNESDAY SESSIONS

starts TBD

Online Wednesdays 

3:15 pm EDT

1:15 pm PST

Thursdays 9:15 am (New Zealand)

Next Start Date TBD
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